How to Pull a leaning Tree with Timber Talons
The Timber Talons small tractor log skidder attachment can be easily used to safely pull down leaners with your tractor. “Leaners are a typical problem in thinning dense stands. If you were to hook a choker to the bottom of the leaner and try to pull it out, as you start pulling the butt could hit the stump and the tree could flip over on you and ruin your day! You need to control the direction they come down. So when you come into a stand, you should think about where you want to fall it. You want it to fall in a direction that gives a good straight path out of the stand. The Timber Talons log skidder is a safe, controlled method for pulling out leaners. By lifting the butt off the ground it constrains the butt of the tree. As you pull, the tree continues the direction it was leaning. With the butt secured, it never flips over, it never rolls, it falls exactly the opposite direction of where you’re pulling!! With the Timber Talons log skidder attachment, you can just take it where you want it and drop it. You can limb it right in the stand, so you leave all the debris behind before yarding it out. Because of the design perfected by engineer (Tom Repko), the Timber Talons will focus the pulling force from below the rear axle, greatly lessoning the possibility of the tractor flipping over backwards.